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synced 2024-11-18 12:33:59 +00:00
Update README.md
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 135 additions and 7 deletions
@ -59,10 +59,9 @@ Self-test helps you check relays, indicators, speaker and temperature sensors.<b
To run a self-tests
To run a self-tests
- uncomment this 3 defines in source code header
- uncomment this 3 defines in source code header
//-----------------------USER OPTIONS-----------------------
//#define SELFTEST_RELAYS_LEDS_SPEAKER //speaker and relays QA test, uncomment to enable
//#define SELFTEST_EEV //EEV QA test, uncomment to enable
//#define SELFTEST_T_SENSORS //temperature sensors QA test, uncomment to enable
- upload firmware
- upload firmware
- connect 12V power supply<br>
- connect 12V power supply<br>
@ -128,9 +127,138 @@ qwer
{-desc 2-}
{-desc 2-}
## Fine tunings
## Firmware options and fine tunings
{-link to page-}
//#define SELFTEST_RELAYS_LEDS_SPEAKER //speaker and relays QA test, uncomment to enable
//#define SELFTEST_EEV //EEV QA test, uncomment to enable
//#define SELFTEST_T_SENSORS //temperature sensors QA test, uncomment to enable
//communication protocol with external world
//#define RS485_JSON 1 //json, external systems integration
//#define RS485_HUMAN 2 //RS485 is used in the same way as the local console, warning: Use only if 2 devices (server and this controller) are connected to the same RS485 line
#define RS485_MODBUS 3 //default, Modbus via RS485, connection to the display (both sensor or 1602, see https://gitlab.com/valden/) or connection to any other MODBUS application or device
//system type, comment both if HP with EEV
//#define EEV_ONLY //Valden controller as EEV controller: NO target T sensor. No relays. Oly EEV. Sensors required: Tae, Tbe, current sensor. Additional T sensors can be used but not required.
//#define NO_EEV //capillary tube or TXV, EEV not used
//which sensor is used to check setpoint, uncomment one of options
#define SETPOINT_THI //"warm floor" scheme: "hot in" (Thi) temperature used as setpoint
//#define SETPOINT_TS1 //"swimming pool" or "water tank heater" scheme: "sensor 1" (Ts1) is used as setpoint and located somewhere in water tank
#define HUMAN_AUTOINFO 30000 //print stats to console, every milliseconds
#define WATCHDOG //disable for older bootloaders
//-----------------------USER OPTIONS END-----------------------
//-----------------------Fine Tuning OPTIONS-----------------------
//next sections: advanced options
//-----------------------T Sensors -----------------------
//temperature sensors used in a system, comment to disable
#define T_cold_in; //cold side (heat source) inlet sensor
#define T_cold_out; //cold side outlet sensor
#define T_before_evaporator; //"before" and "after evaporator" sensors are required to control EEV, both "EEV_ONLY" and "full" schemes
#define T_after_evaporator; //"before" and "after evaporator" sensors are required to control EEV, both "EEV_ONLY" and "full" schemes
//#define T_separator_gas; //no longer used (PCB 1.3 MI +) artifact from experimental scheme with separator
//#define T_separator_liquid; //no longer used (PCB 1.3 MI +) artifact from experimental scheme with separator
//#define T_before_valve; //no longer used (PCB 1.3 MI +) artifact from experimental scheme with separator
//#define T_suction; //no longer used (PCB 1.3 MI +) artifact from experimental scheme with separator
#define T_sensor_1; //T values from the additional sensor S1 are used as a "setpoint" in "pool" or "water tank heater" schemes
#define T_sensor_2; //additional sensor, any source, for example: outdoor temperature, in-case temperature, and so on
#define T_crc; //if defined: enables crankcase T sensor and crankcase heater on relay 4
//#define T_regenerator; //an additional sensor, the regenerator temperature sensor (inlet or outlet or housing) is used only to obtain a temperature data if necessary
#define T_afrer_condenser; //after condenser (and before valve)
//!!!#define T_before_condenser; //before condenser (discharge)
#define T_hot_out; //hot side outlet
//in full scheme Hot IN required! optional in "EEV_ONLY" scheme (see "EEV_ONLY" option),
#define T_hot_in; //hot side inlet
#define MAGIC 0x66; //change this value if you want to rewrite the T setpoint in EEPROM
#define T_SETPOINT 26.0; //This is a predefind target temperature value (start temperature). EEPROM-saved. The value can be changed using 1. Console 2. Changing the "setpoint" on a display 3. Changing this value AND changing "magic number"
#define T_SETPOINT_MAX 48.0; //maximum "setpoint" temperature that an ordinary user can set
#define T_SETPOINT_MIN 10.0; //min. "setpoint" temperature that an ordinary user can set, lower values are not recommended until antifreeze fluids at hot side are used.
#define T_CRANKCASE_MIN 8.0; //compressor (crankcase) min. temperature, HP will not start if T lower
#define T_CRANKCASE_MAX 110.0; //compressor (crankcase) max. temperature, overheating protection, HP will stop if T higher
#define T_CRANKCASE_HEAT_THRESHOLD 16.0; //crankcase heater threshold: heater will be powered on if T lower
#define T_WORKINGOK_CRANKCASE_MIN 25.0; //compressor temperature: additional check. HP will stop if T is lower than this value after 5 minutes of work. Do not set the value too large to ensure normal operation after long pauses.
#define T_BEFORE_CONDENSER_MAX 108.0; //discharge MAX, system stops if discharge higher
#define T_COLDREF_MIN -14.0; //suction min., HP stops if T lower, cold side (glycol) loop freeze protection and compressor protection against liquid
#define T_BEFORE_EVAP_WORK_MIN -25.5; //!!!before evaporator (after valve) min. T; can be very low for a few minutes after startup, ex: capillary tube in some conditions; and for all systems: after long shut-off, lack of reagent, 1st starts, and many others
#define T_COLD_MIN -15.5; //cold side (glycol) loop freeze protection: HP stops if inlet or outlet temperature lower
#define T_HOT_MAX 50.0; //hot loop: HP stops if hot side inlet or outlet temperature higher than this threshold
//#define T_REG_HEAT_THRESHOLD 17.0; //no longer used (PCB 1.3 MI +) artifact from experimental scheme with separator
//#define T_HOTCIRCLE_DELTA_MIN 2.0; //not used since ~FW v1.6, "water heater with intermediate heat exchanger" scheme, where Ts1 == "sensor in water"; hot side CP will be switched on if "Ts1 - hot_out > T_HOTCIRCLE_DELTA_MIN"
//-----------------------WATTS AND CYCLES TIMES-----------------------
//time: milliseconds, power: watts
#define MAX_WATTS 1000.0 + 70.0 + 80.0 //power limit, watt, HP stops in case of exceeding, examples: installation1: compressor 165: 920 Watts, + 35 watts 25/4 circ. pump at 1st speed + 53 watts 25/4 circ. pump at 2nd speed
// installation2: compressor unk: ~1000 + hot CP 70 + cold CP 80 = 1150 watts
// installation3: and so on
#define POWERON_PAUSE 300000 //after power on: wait 5 minutes before the start of HP (protected from power faults)
#define MINCYCLE_POWEROFF 600000 //after a normal compressor stop: 10 minutes pause (max 99999 seconds)
#define MINCYCLE_POWERON 3600000 //after compressor start: minimum compressor operation time, i.e. work time is not less than this value (or more, depending on the setpoint temperature) 60 minutes = 3.6 KK 120mins = 5.4 kK.
#define POWERON_HIGHTIME 7000 //after compressor start: defines time when power consumption can be 3 times greater than normal, 7 sec. by default
#define COLDCIRCLE_PREPARE 90000 //before compressor start: power on cold CP and wait 90 sec; if false start: CP will off twise this time; and (hotcircle_stop_after - this_value) must be > hotcircle_check_prepare or HP will go sleep cycle instead of start
#define DEFFERED_STOP_HOTCIRCLE 1200000 //after compressor stop: wait 20 minutes, if no need to start compressor: stop hot WP; value must be > 0
#define HOTCIRCLE_START_EVERY 2400000 //while pauses: pump on "hot side" starts every 40 minutes (by default) (max 9999 seconds) to circulate water and get exact temperature reading , option used if "warm floor" installation (Thi as setpoint)...
#define HOTCIRCLE_CHECK_PREPARE 300000 //while pauses: ...and wait temperature stabilisation 5 minutes (by default), after that do setpoint checks...
#define HOTCIRCLE_STOP_AFTER (HOTCIRCLE_CHECK_PREPARE + COLDCIRCLE_PREPARE + 30000) //...and then stop after few minutes of circulating, if temperature is high and no need to start compressor; value must be check_prepare + coldcircle_prepare + 30 seconds (or more)
//If you are using capillary tube or TXV: simply skip next section
//Depending on how many milliseconds are allocated per step, the speed of automatic tuning will change.
//Remember that you'll see refrigeration system reaction on every step not immediately, but after few minutes, sometimes after tens of minutes.
#define EEV_MAXPULSES 250 //max steps, 250 is tested for sanhua 1.3
//steps tuning: mulliseconds per fast and slow (precise) steps
#define EEV_PULSE_FCLOSE_MILLIS 20 //(20 tube evaporator) fast closing, closing on danger (milliseconds per step)
#define EEV_PULSE_CLOSE_MILLIS 60000 //(50000 tube evaporator) accurate closing while the compressor works (milliseconds per step)
#define EEV_PULSE_WOPEN_MILLIS 20 //(20 tube evaporator) standby (waiting) pos. set (milliseconds per step)
#define EEV_PULSE_FOPEN_MILLIS 1400 //(1300 tube evaporator) fast opening, fast search (milliseconds per step)
#define EEV_PULSE_OPEN_MILLIS 70000 //(60000 tube evaporator) accurate opening while the compressor works (milliseconds per step)
#define EEV_STOP_HOLD 500 //0.1..1sec for Sanhua hold time (milliseconds per step)
#define EEV_CLOSEEVERY 86400000 //86400000: EEV will be closed (zero calibration) every 24 hours, executed while HP is NOT working (milliseconds per cycle)
#define EEV_CLOSE_ADD_PULSES 8 //read below, additional steps after zero position while full closing
#define EEV_OPEN_AFTER_CLOSE 45 //0 - set the zero position, then add EEV_CLOSE_ADD_PULSES (zero insurance, read EEV guides for this value) and stop, EEV will be in zero position.
//N - set the zero position, than add EEV_CLOSE_ADD_PULSES, than open EEV on EEV_OPEN_AFTER_CLOSE pulses
//i.e. it's a "waiting position" while HP not working, value must be <= MINWORKPOS
#define EEV_MINWORKPOS 50 //position will be not less during normal work, open EEV to this position after compressor start
#define EEV_PRECISE_START 7.0 //(8.6 tube evaporator) precise tuning threshold: make slower pulses if (real_diff-target_diff) less than this value. Used for fine auto-tuning
#define EEV_EMERG_DIFF 1.7 //(2.5 tube evaporator) liquid at suction threshold: if dangerous condition occured: real_diff =< (target_diff - EEV_EMERG_DIFF) then EEV will be closed to min. work position //Ex: EEV_EMERG_DIFF = 2.0, target diff 5.0, if real_diff =< (5.0 - 2.0) then EEV will be closed to EEV_MINWORKPOS
#define EEV_HYSTERESIS 0.5 //(0.6 tube evaporator) hysteresis, to stop fine tuning: must be less than EEV_PRECISE_START, ex: target difference = 4.0, hysteresis = 0.3, no EEV pulses will be done while real difference in range 4.0..4.3
#define EEV_TARGET_TEMP_DIFF 3.6 //(3.6 tube evaporator) target difference between Before Evaporator and After Evaporator, the head of whole algorithm
//additional options
#define EEV_REOPENLAST 1 //1 = reopen to last position on compressor start, useful for ordinary schemes with everyday working cycles, 0 = not
#define EEV_REOPENMINTIME 40000 //after system start: min. delay between "min. work pos." (must be > 0 in this case and > waiting position) set and reopening start
//#define EEV_MANUAL //comment to disable, manual set of EEV position via console; warning: this option will stop all EEV auto-activities, including zero position find procedure; so this option not recommended: switching auto/manual mode from console after startup is a better way
//do not use next option untill you're not really need it
//#define EEV_DEBUG //debug, usefull during system fine tuning, works both with local serial and RS485_HUMAN
const char devID = 0x45; //used only if JSON communication, does not matter for modbus and Valden display https://github.com/OpenHP/
const char hostID = 0x30; //used only if JSON communication, not used for modbus
#define MAX_SEQUENTIAL_ERRORS 15 //max cycles to wait auto-clean error, ex: T sensor appears, stop compressor after counter exceeded (millis_cycle * MAX_SEQUENTIAL_ERRORS)
//-----------------------Fine Tuning OPTIONS END -----------------------
## Diagnostic and troubleshooting
## Diagnostic and troubleshooting
{-describe messages-}
{-describe messages-}
Reference in a new issue