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title: LogsQL
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- /VictoriaLogs/LogsQL.html
# LogsQL
LogsQL is a simple yet powerful query language for [VictoriaLogs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/).
It provides the following features:
- Full-text search across [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
See [word filter](#word-filter), [phrase filter](#phrase-filter) and [prefix filter](#prefix-filter).
- Ability to combine filters into arbitrary complex [logical filters](#logical-filter).
- Ability to extract structured fields from unstructured logs at query time. See [these docs](#transformations).
- Ability to calculate various stats over the selected log entries. See [these docs](#stats-pipe).
## LogsQL tutorial
If you aren't familiar with VictoriaLogs, then start with [key concepts docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html).
Then follow these docs:
- [How to run VictoriaLogs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/QuickStart.html).
- [how to ingest data into VictoriaLogs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/data-ingestion/).
- [How to query VictoriaLogs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/querying/).
The simplest LogsQL query is just a [word](#word), which must be found in the [log message](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
For example, the following query finds all the logs with `error` word:
If the queried [word](#word) clashes with LogsQL keywords, then just wrap it into quotes.
For example, the following query finds all the log messages with `and` [word](#word):
It is OK to wrap any word into quotes. For example:
Moreover, it is possible to wrap phrases containing multiple words in quotes. For example, the following query
finds log messages with the `error: cannot find file` phrase:
"error: cannot find file"
Queries above match logs with any [timestamp](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#time-field),
e.g. they may return logs from the previous year alongside recently ingested logs.
Usually logs from the previous year aren't so interesting comparing to the recently ingested logs.
So it is recommended adding [time filter](#time-filter) to the query.
For example, the following query returns logs with the `error` [word](#word),
which were ingested into VictoriaLogs during the last 5 minutes:
error AND _time:5m
This query consists of two [filters](#filters) joined with `AND` [operator](#logical-filter):
- The filter on the `error` [word](#word).
- The filter on the [`_time` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#time-field).
The `AND` operator means that the [log entry](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) must match both filters in order to be selected.
Typical LogsQL query constists of multiple [filters](#filters) joined with `AND` operator. It may be tiresome typing and then reading all these `AND` words.
So LogsQL allows omitting `AND` words. For example, the following query is equivalent to the query above:
error _time:5m
The query returns all the [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) by default.
See [how to query specific fields](#querying-specific-fields).
Suppose the query above selects too many rows because some buggy app pushes invalid error logs to VictoriaLogs. Suppose the app adds `buggy_app` [word](#word) to every log line.
Then the following query removes all the logs from the buggy app, allowing us paying attention to the real errors:
_time:5m error NOT buggy_app
This query uses `NOT` [operator](#logical-filter) for removing log lines from the buggy app. The `NOT` operator is used frequently, so it can be substituted with `!` char.
So the following query is equivalent to the previous one:
_time:5m error !buggy_app
Suppose another buggy app starts pushing invalid error logs to VictoriaLogs - it adds `foobar` [word](#word) to every emitted log line.
No problems - just add `!foobar` to the query in order to remove these buggy logs:
_time:5m error !buggy_app !foobar
This query can be rewritten to more clear query with the `OR` [operator](#logical-filter) inside parentheses:
_time:5m error !(buggy_app OR foobar)
Note that the parentheses are required here, since otherwise the query won't return the expected results.
The query `error !buggy_app OR foobar` is interpreted as `(error AND NOT buggy_app) OR foobar`. This query may return error logs
from the buggy app if they contain `foobar` [word](#word). This query also continues returning all the error logs from the second buggy app.
This is because of different priorities for `NOT`, `AND` and `OR` operators.
Read [these docs](#logical-filter) for more details. There is no need in remembering all these priority rules -
just wrap the needed query parts into explicit parentheses if you aren't sure in priority rules.
As an additional bonus, explicit parentheses make queries easier to read and maintain.
Queries above assume that the `error` [word](#word) is stored in the [log message](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
This word can be stored in other [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) such as `log.level`.
How to select error logs in this case? Just add the `log.level:` prefix in front of the `error` word:
_time:5m log.level:error !(buggy_app OR foobar)
The field name can be wrapped into quotes if it contains special chars or keywords, which may clash with LogsQL syntax.
Any [word](#word) also can be wrapped into quotes. So the following query is equivalent to the previous one:
"_time":"5m" "log.level":"error" !("buggy_app" OR "foobar")
What if the application identifier - such as `buggy_app` and `foobar` - is stored in the `app` field? Correct - just add `app:` prefix in front of `buggy_app` and `foobar`:
_time:5m log.level:error !(app:buggy_app OR app:foobar)
The query can be simplified by moving the `app:` prefix outside the parentheses:
_time:5m log.level:error !app:(buggy_app OR foobar)
The `app` field uniquely identifies the application instance if a single instance runs per each unique `app`.
In this case it is recommended associating the `app` field with [log stream fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#stream-fields)
during [data ingestion](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/data-ingestion/). This usually improves both compression rate
and query performance when querying the needed streams via [`_stream` filter](#stream-filter).
If the `app` field is associated with the log stream, then the query above can be rewritten to more performant one:
_time:5m log.level:error _stream:{app!~"buggy_app|foobar"}
This query completely skips scanning for logs from `buggy_app` and `foobar` apps, thus significantly reducing disk read IO and CPU time
needed for performing the query.
Finally, it is recommended reading [performance tips](#performance-tips).
Now you are familiar with LogsQL basics. Read [query syntax](#query-syntax) if you want to continue learning LogsQL.
### Key concepts
#### Word
LogsQL splits all the [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) into words
delimited by non-word chars such as whitespace, parens, punctuation chars, etc. For example, the `foo: (bar,"тест")!` string
is split into `foo`, `bar` and `тест` words. Words can contain arbitrary [utf-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8) chars.
These words are taken into account by full-text search filters such as
[word filter](#word-filter), [phrase filter](#phrase-filter) and [prefix filter](#prefix-filter).
#### Query syntax
LogsQL query must contain [filters](#filters) for selecting the matching logs. At least a single filter is required.
For example, the following query selects all the logs for the last 5 minutes by using [`_time` filter](#time-filter):
Additionally to filters, LogQL query may contain arbitrary mix of optional actions for processing the selected logs. These actions are delimited by `|` and are known as [`pipes`](#pipes).
For example, the following query uses [`stats` pipe](#stats-pipe) for returning the number of [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field)
with the `error` [word](#word) for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m error | stats count() errors
See [the list of supported pipes in LogsQL](#pipes).
## Filters
LogsQL supports various filters for searching for log messages (see below).
They can be combined into arbitrary complex queries via [logical filters](#logical-filter).
Filters are applied to [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field) by default.
If the filter must be applied to other [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model),
then its' name followed by the colon must be put in front of the filter. For example, if `error` [word filter](#word-filter) must be applied
to the `log.level` field, then use `log.level:error` query.
Field names and filter args can be put into quotes if they contain special chars, which may clash with LogsQL syntax. LogsQL supports quoting via double quotes `"`,
single quotes `'` and backticks:
"some 'field':123":i('some("value")') AND `other"value'`
If doubt, it is recommended quoting field names and filter args.
The list of LogsQL filters:
- [Time filter](#time-filter) - matches logs with [`_time` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#time-field) in the given time range
- [Stream filter](#stream-filter) - matches logs, which belong to the given [streams](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#stream-fields)
- [Word filter](#word-filter) - matches logs with the given [word](#word)
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter) - matches logs with the given phrase
- [Prefix filter](#prefix-filter) - matches logs with the given word prefix or phrase prefix
- [Empty value filter](#empty-value-filter) - matches logs without the given [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
- [Any value filter](#any-value-filter) - matches logs with the given non-empty [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
- [Exact filter](#exact-filter) - matches logs with the exact value
- [Exact prefix filter](#exact-prefix-filter) - matches logs starting with the given prefix
- [Multi-exact filter](#multi-exact-filter) - matches logs with one of the specified exact values
- [Case-insensitive filter](#case-insensitive-filter) - matches logs with the given case-insensitive word, phrase or prefix
- [Sequence filter](#sequence-filter) - matches logs with the given sequence of words or phrases
- [Regexp filter](#regexp-filter) - matches logs for the given regexp
- [Range filter](#range-filter) - matches logs with numeric [field values](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in the given range
- [IPv4 range filter](#ipv4-range-filter) - matches logs with ip address [field values](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in the given range
- [String range filter](#string-range-filter) - matches logs with [field values](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in the given string range
- [Length range filter](#length-range-filter) - matches logs with [field values](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) of the given length range
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter) - allows combining other filters
### Time filter
VictoriaLogs scans all the logs per each query if it doesn't contain the filter on [`_time` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#time-field).
It uses various optimizations in order to accelerate full scan queries without the `_time` filter,
but such queries can be slow if the storage contains large number of logs over long time range. The easiest way to optimize queries
is to narrow down the search with the filter on [`_time` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#time-field).
For example, the following query returns [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field)
ingested into VictoriaLogs during the last hour, which contain the `error` [word](#word):
_time:1h AND error
The following formats are supported for `_time` filter:
- `_time:duration` matches logs with timestamps on the time range `(now-duration, now]`. Examples:
- `_time:5m` - returns logs for the last 5 minutes
- `_time:2.5d15m42.345s` - returns logs for the last 2.5 days, 15 minutes and 42.345 seconds
- `_time:1y` - returns logs for the last year
- `_time:YYYY-MM-DD` - matches all the logs for the particular day by UTC. For example, `_time:2023-04-25` matches logs on April 25, 2023 by UTC.
- `_time:YYYY-MM` - matches all the logs for the particular month by UTC. For example, `_time:2023-02` matches logs on February, 2023 by UTC.
- `_time:YYYY` - matches all the logs for the particular year by UTC. For example, `_time:2023` matches logs on 2023 by UTC.
- `_time:YYYY-MM-DDTHH` - matches all the logs for the particular hour by UTC. For example, `_time:2023-04-25T22` matches logs on April 25, 2023 at 22 hour by UTC.
- `_time:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM` - matches all the logs for the particular minute by UTC. For example, `_time:2023-04-25T22:45` matches logs on April 25, 2023 at 22:45 by UTC.
- `_time:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS` - matches all the logs for the particular second by UTC. For example, `_time:2023-04-25T22:45:59` matches logs on April 25, 2023 at 22:45:59 by UTC.
- `_time:[min_time, max_time]` - matches logs on the time range `[min_time, max_time]`, including both `min_time` and `max_time`.
The `min_time` and `max_time` can contain any format specified [here](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#timestamp-formats).
For example, `_time:[2023-04-01, 2023-04-30]` matches logs for the whole April, 2023 by UTC, e.g. it is equivalent to `_time:2023-04`.
- `_time:[min_time, max_time)` - matches logs on the time range `[min_time, max_time)`, not including `max_time`.
The `min_time` and `max_time` can contain any format specified [here](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#timestamp-formats).
For example, `_time:[2023-02-01, 2023-03-01)` matches logs for the whole February, 2023 by UTC, e.g. it is equivalent to `_time:2023-02`.
It is possible to specify time zone offset for all the absolute time formats by appending `+hh:mm` or `-hh:mm` suffix.
For example, `_time:2023-04-25+05:30` matches all the logs on April 25, 2023 by India time zone,
while `_time:2023-02-07:00` matches all the logs on February, 2023 by California time zone.
It is possible to specify generic offset for the selected time range by appending `offset` after the `_time` filter. Examples:
- `_time:5m offset 1h` matches logs on the time range `(now-1h5m, now-1h]`.
- `_time:2023-07 offset 5h30m` matches logs on July, 2023 by UTC with offset 5h30m.
- `_time:[2023-02-01, 2023-03-01) offset 1w` matches logs the week before the time range `[2023-02-01, 2023-03-01)` by UTC.
Performance tips:
- It is recommended specifying the smallest possible time range during the search, since it reduces the amounts of log entries, which need to be scanned during the query.
For example, `_time:1h` is usually faster than `_time:5h`.
- While LogsQL supports arbitrary number of `_time:...` filters at any level of [logical filters](#logical-filter),
it is recommended specifying a single `_time` filter at the top level of the query.
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
See also:
- [Stream filter](#stream-filter)
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
### Stream filter
VictoriaLogs provides an optimized way to select log entries, which belong to particular [log streams](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#stream-fields).
This can be done via `_stream:{...}` filter. The `{...}` may contain arbitrary
[Prometheus-compatible label selector](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/keyconcepts/#filtering)
over fields associated with [log streams](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#stream-fields).
For example, the following query selects [log entries](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
with `app` field equal to `nginx`:
This query is equivalent to the following [exact()](#exact-filter) query, but the upper query usually works much faster:
Performance tips:
- It is recommended using the most specific `_stream:{...}` filter matching the smallest number of log streams,
which needs to be scanned by the rest of filters in the query.
- While LogsQL supports arbitrary number of `_stream:{...}` filters at any level of [logical filters](#logical-filter),
it is recommended specifying a single `_stream:...` filter at the top level of the query.
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
See also:
- [Time filter](#time-filter)
- [Exact filter](#exact-filter)
### Word filter
The simplest LogsQL query consists of a single [word](#word) to search in log messages. For example, the following query matches
[log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field) with `error` [word](#word) inside them:
This query matches the following [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field):
- `error`
- `an error happened`
- `error: cannot open file`
This query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `ERROR`, since the filter is case-sensitive by default. Use `i(error)` for this case. See [these docs](#case-insensitive-filter) for details.
- `multiple errors occurred`, since the `errors` word doesn't match `error` word. Use `error*` for this case. See [these docs](#prefix-filter) for details.
By default the given [word](#word) is searched in the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the word and put a colon after it
if it must be searched in the given field. For example, the following query returns log entries containing the `error` [word](#word) in the `log.level` field:
Both the field name and the word in the query can contain arbitrary [utf-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8)-encoded chars. For example:
Both the field name and the word in the query can be put inside quotes if they contain special chars, which may clash with the query syntax.
For example, the following query searches for the ip `` in the field `ip:remote`:
See also:
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter)
- [Exact filter](#exact-filter)
- [Prefix filter](#prefix-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Phrase filter
Is you need to search for log messages with the specific phrase inside them, then just wrap the phrase in quotes.
The phrase can contain any chars, including whitespace, punctuation, parens, etc. They are taken into account during the search.
For example, the following query matches [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field)
with `ssh: login fail` phrase inside them:
"ssh: login fail"
This query matches the following [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field):
- `ERROR: ssh: login fail for user "foobar"`
- `ssh: login fail!`
This query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `ssh login fail`, since the message misses `:` char just after the `ssh`.
Use `seq("ssh", "login", "fail")` query if log messages with the sequence of these words must be found. See [these docs](#sequence-filter) for details.
- `login fail: ssh error`, since the message doesn't contain the full phrase requested in the query. If you need matching a message
with all the [words](#word) listed in the query, then use `ssh AND login AND fail` query. See [these docs](#logical-filter) for details.
- `ssh: login failed`, since the message ends with `failed` [word](#word) instead of `fail` word. Use `"ssh: login fail"*` query for this case.
See [these docs](#prefix-filter) for details.
- `SSH: login fail`, since the `SSH` word is in capital letters. Use `i("ssh: login fail")` for case-insensitive search.
See [these docs](#case-insensitive-filter) for details.
By default the given phrase is searched in the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the phrase and put a colon after it
if it must be searched in the given field. For example, the following query returns log entries containing the `cannot open file` phrase in the `event.original` field:
event.original:"cannot open file"
Both the field name and the phrase can contain arbitrary [utf-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8)-encoded chars. For example:
сообщение:"невозможно открыть файл"
The field name can be put inside quotes if it contains special chars, which may clash with the query syntax.
For example, the following query searches for the `cannot open file` phrase in the field `some:message`:
"some:message":"cannot open file"
See also:
- [Exact filter](#exact-filter)
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Prefix filter](#prefix-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Prefix filter
If you need to search for log messages with [words](#word) / phrases containing some prefix, then just add `*` char to the end of the [word](#word) / phrase in the query.
For example, the following query returns [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field), which contain [words](#word) with `err` prefix:
This query matches the following [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field):
- `err: foobar`
- `cannot open file: error occurred`
This query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `Error: foobar`, since the `Error` [word](#word) starts with capital letter. Use `i(err*)` for this case. See [these docs](#case-insensitive-filter) for details.
- `fooerror`, since the `fooerror` [word](#word) doesn't start with `err`. Use `re("err")` for this case. See [these docs](#regexp-filter) for details.
Prefix filter can be applied to [phrases](#phrase-filter). For example, the following query matches
[log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field) containing phrases with `unexpected fail` prefix:
"unexpected fail"*
This query matches the following [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field):
- `unexpected fail: IO error`
- `error:unexpected failure`
This query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `unexpectedly failed`, since the `unexpectedly` doesn't match `unexpected` [word](#word). Use `unexpected* AND fail*` for this case.
See [these docs](#logical-filter) for details.
- `failed to open file: unexpected EOF`, since `failed` [word](#word) occurs before the `unexpected` word. Use `unexpected AND fail*` for this case.
See [these docs](#logical-filter) for details.
By default the prefix filter is applied to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the needed [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the prefix filter
in order to apply it to the given field. For example, the following query matches `log.level` field containing any word with the `err` prefix:
If the field name contains special chars, which may clash with the query syntax, then it may be put into quotes in the query.
For example, the following query matches `log:level` field containing any word with the `err` prefix.
Performance tips:
- Prefer using [word filters](#word-filter) and [phrase filters](#phrase-filter) combined via [logical filter](#logical-filter)
instead of prefix filter.
- Prefer moving [word filters](#word-filter) and [phrase filters](#phrase-filter) in front of prefix filter when using [logical filter](#logical-filter).
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
See also:
- [Exact prefix filter](#exact-prefix-filter)
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter)
- [Exact-filter](#exact-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Empty value filter
Sometimes it is needed to find log entries without the given [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
This can be performed with `log_field:""` syntax. For example, the following query matches log entries without `host.hostname` field:
See also:
- [Any value filter](#any-value-filter)
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Any value filter
Sometimes it is needed to find log entries containing any non-empty value for the given [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
This can be performed with `log_field:*` syntax. For example, the following query matches log entries with non-empty `host.hostname` field:
See also:
- [Empty value filter](#empty-value-filter)
- [Prefix filter](#prefix-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Exact filter
The [word filter](#word-filter) and [phrase filter](#phrase-filter) return [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field),
which contain the given word or phrase inside them. The message may contain additional text other than the requested word or phrase. If you need searching for log messages
or [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field) with the exact value, then use the `exact(...)` filter.
For example, the following query returns log messages wih the exact value `fatal error: cannot find /foo/bar`:
exact("fatal error: cannot find /foo/bar")
The query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `fatal error: cannot find /foo/bar/baz` or `some-text fatal error: cannot find /foo/bar`, since they contain an additional text
other than the specified in the `exact()` filter. Use `"fatal error: cannot find /foo/bar"` query in this case. See [these docs](#phrase-filter) for details.
- `FATAL ERROR: cannot find /foo/bar`, since the `exact()` filter is case-sensitive. Use `i("fatal error: cannot find /foo/bar")` in this case.
See [these docs](#case-insensitive-filter) for details.
By default the `exact()` filter is applied to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the `exact()` filter and put a colon after it
if it must be searched in the given field. For example, the following query returns log entries with the exact `error` value at `log.level` field:
Both the field name and the phrase can contain arbitrary [utf-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8)-encoded chars. For example:
The field name can be put inside quotes if it contains special chars, which may clash with the query syntax.
For example, the following query matches the `error` value in the field `log:level`:
See also:
- [Exact prefix filter](#exact-prefix-filter)
- [Multi-exact filter](#multi-exact-filter)
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter)
- [Prefix filter](#prefix-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Exact prefix filter
Sometimes it is needed to find log messages starting with some prefix. This can be done with the `exact("prefix"*)` filter.
For example, the following query matches log messages, which start from `Processing request` prefix:
exact("Processing request"*)
This filter matches the following [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field):
- `Processing request foobar`
- `Processing requests from ...`
It doesn't match the following log messages:
- `processing request foobar`, since the log message starts with lowercase `p`. Use `exact("processing request"*) OR exact("Processing request"*)`
query in this case. See [these docs](#logical-filter) for details.
- `start: Processing request`, since the log message doesn't start with `Processing request`. Use `"Processing request"` query in this case.
See [these docs](#phrase-filter) for details.
By default the `exact()` filter is applied to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the `exact()` filter and put a colon after it
if it must be searched in the given field. For example, the following query returns log entries with `log.level` field, which starts with `err` prefix:
Both the field name and the phrase can contain arbitrary [utf-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8)-encoded chars. For example:
The field name can be put inside quotes if it contains special chars, which may clash with the query syntax.
For example, the following query matches `log:level` values starting with `err` prefix:
See also:
- [Exact filter](#exact-filter)
- [Prefix filter](#prefix-filter)
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Multi-exact filter
Sometimes it is needed to locate log messages with a field containing one of the given values. This can be done with multiple [exact filters](#exact-filter)
combined into a single [logical filter](#logical-filter). For example, the following query matches log messages with `log.level` field
containing either `error` or `fatal` exact values:
log.level:(exact("error") OR exact("fatal"))
While this solution works OK, LogsQL provides simpler and faster solution for this case - the `in()` filter.
log.level:in("error", "fatal")
It works very fast for long lists passed to `in()`.
It is possible to pass arbitrary [query](#query-syntax) inside `in(...)` filter in order to match against the results of this query.
The query inside `in(...)` must end with [`fields`](#fields-pipe) pipe containing a single field name, so VictoriaLogs could
fetch results from this field. For example, the following query selects all the logs for the last 5 minutes for users,
who visited pages with `admin` [word](#word) in the `path` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
during the last day:
_time:5m AND user_id:in(_time:1d AND path:admin | fields user_id)
See also:
- [Exact filter](#exact-filter)
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter)
- [Prefix filter](#prefix-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Case-insensitive filter
Case-insensitive filter can be applied to any word, phrase or prefix by wrapping the corresponding [word filter](#word-filter),
[phrase filter](#phrase-filter) or [prefix filter](#prefix-filter) into `i()`. For example, the following query returns
log messages with `error` word in any case:
The query matches the following [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field):
- `unknown error happened`
- `ERROR: cannot read file`
- `Error: unknown arg`
- `An ErRoR occured`
The query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `FooError`, since the `FooError` [word](#word) has superflouos prefix `Foo`. Use `re("(?i)error")` for this case. See [these docs](#regexp-filter) for details.
- `too many Errors`, since the `Errors` [word](#word) has superflouos suffix `s`. Use `i(error*)` for this case.
By default the `i()` filter is applied to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the needed [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the filter
in order to apply it to the given field. For example, the following query matches `log.level` field containing `error` [word](#word) in any case:
If the field name contains special chars, which may clash with the query syntax, then it may be put into quotes in the query.
For example, the following query matches `log:level` field containing `error` [word](#word) in any case.
Performance tips:
- Prefer using case-sensitive filter over case-insensitive filter.
- Prefer moving [word filter](#word-filter), [phrase filter](#phrase-filter) and [prefix filter](#prefix-filter) in front of case-sensitive filter
when using [logical filter](#logical-filter).
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
See also:
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter)
- [Exact-filter](#exact-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Sequence filter
Sometimes it is needed to find [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field)
with [words](#word) or phrases in a particular order. For example, if log messages with `error` word followed by `open file` phrase
must be found, then the following LogsQL query can be used:
seq("error", "open file")
This query matches `some error: cannot open file /foo/bar` message, since the `open file` phrase goes after the `error` [word](#word).
The query doesn't match the `cannot open file: error` message, since the `open file` phrase is located in front of the `error` [word](#word).
If you need matching log messages with both `error` word and `open file` phrase, then use `error AND "open file"` query. See [these docs](#logical-filter)
for details.
By default the `seq()` filter is applied to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the needed [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the filter
in order to apply it to the given field. For example, the following query matches `event.original` field containing `(error, "open file")` sequence:
event.original:seq(error, "open file")
If the field name contains special chars, which may clash with the query syntax, then it may be put into quotes in the query.
For example, the following query matches `event:original` field containing `(error, "open file")` sequence:
"event:original":seq(error, "open file")
See also:
- [Word filter](#word-filter)
- [Phrase filter](#phrase-filter)
- [Exact-filter](#exact-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Regexp filter
LogsQL supports regular expression filter with [re2 syntax](https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax) via `re(...)` expression.
For example, the following query returns all the log messages containing `err` or `warn` susbstrings:
The query matches the following [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field), which contain either `err` or `warn` substrings:
- `error: cannot read data`
- `2 warnings have been raised`
- `data trasferring finished`
The query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `ERROR: cannot open file`, since the `ERROR` word is in uppercase letters. Use `re("(?i)(err|warn)")` query for case-insensitive regexp search.
See [these docs](https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax) for details. See also [case-insenstive filter docs](#case-insensitive-filter).
- `it is warmer than usual`, since it doesn't contain neither `err` nor `warn` substrings.
By default the `re()` filter is applied to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Specify the needed [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the filter
in order to apply it to the given field. For example, the following query matches `event.original` field containing either `err` or `warn` substrings:
If the field name contains special chars, which may clash with the query syntax, then it may be put into quotes in the query.
For example, the following query matches `event:original` field containing either `err` or `warn` substrings:
Performance tips:
- Prefer combining simple [word filter](#word-filter) with [logical filter](#logical-filter) instead of using regexp filter.
For example, the `re("error|warning")` query can be substituted with `error OR warning` query, which usually works much faster.
Note that the `re("error|warning")` matches `errors` as well as `warnings` [words](#word), while `error OR warning` matches
only the specified [words](#word). See also [multi-exact filter](#multi-exact-filter).
- Prefer moving the regexp filter to the end of the [logical filter](#logical-filter), so lightweighter filters are executed first.
- Prefer using `exact("some prefix"*)` instead of `re("^some prefix")`, since the [exact()](#exact-prefix-filter) works much faster than the `re()` filter.
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
See also:
- [Case-insensitive filter](#case-insensitive-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Range filter
If you need to filter log message by some field containing only numeric values, then the `range()` filter can be used.
For example, if the `request.duration` field contains the request duration in seconds, then the following LogsQL query can be used
for searching for log entries with request durations exceeding 4.2 seconds:
request.duration:range(4.2, Inf)
This query can be shortened to:
The following query returns logs with request durations smaller or equal to 1.5 seconds:
The lower and the upper bounds of the range are excluded by default. If they must be included, then substitute the corresponding
parentheses with square brackets. For example:
- `range[1, 10)` includes `1` in the matching range
- `range(1, 10]` includes `10` in the matching range
- `range[1, 10]` includes `1` and `10` in the matching range
The range boundaries can contain any [supported numeric values](#numeric-values).
Note that the `range()` filter doesn't match [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
with non-numeric values alongside numeric values. For example, `range(1, 10)` doesn't match `the request took 4.2 seconds`
[log message](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field), since the `4.2` number is surrounded by other text.
Extract the numeric value from the message with `parse(_msg, "the request took <request_duration> seconds")` [transformation](#transformations)
and then apply the `range()` [filter pipe](#filter-pipe) to the extracted `request_duration` field.
Performance tips:
- It is better to query pure numeric [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
instead of extracting numeric field from text field via [transformations](#transformations) at query time.
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
See also:
- [IPv4 range filter](#ipv4-range-filter)
- [String range filter](#string-range-filter)
- [Length range filter](#length-range-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### IPv4 range filter
If you need to filter log message by some field containing only [IPv4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Protocol_version_4) addresses such as ``,
then the `ipv4_range()` filter can be used. For example, the following query matches log entries with `user.ip` address in the range `[ -]`:
The `ipv4_range()` accepts also IPv4 subnetworks in [CIDR notation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing#CIDR_notation).
For example, the following query is equivalent to the query above:
If you need matching a single IPv4 address, then just put it inside `ipv4_range()`. For example, the following query matches `` IP
at `user.ip` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model):
Note that the `ipv4_range()` doesn't match a string with IPv4 address if this string contains other text. For example, `ipv4_range("")`
doesn't match `request from done` [log message](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field),
since the `` ip is surrounded by other text. Extract the IP from the message with `parse(_msg, "request from <ip>: done")` [transformation](#transformations)
and then apply the `ipv4_range()` [filter pipe](#filter-pipe) to the extracted `ip` field.
- If you need searching for [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field) containing the given `X.Y.Z.Q` IPv4 address,
then `"X.Y.Z.Q"` query can be used. See [these docs](#phrase-filter) for details.
- If you need searching for [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field) containing
at least a single IPv4 address out of the given list, then `"ip1" OR "ip2" ... OR "ipN"` query can be used. See [these docs](#logical-filter) for details.
- If you need finding log entries with `ip` field in multiple ranges, then use `ip:(ipv4_range(range1) OR ipv4_range(range2) ... OR ipv4_range(rangeN))` query.
See [these docs](#logical-filter) for details.
Performance tips:
- It is better querying pure IPv4 [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
instead of extracting IPv4 from text field via [transformations](#transformations) at query time.
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
See also:
- [Range filter](#range-filter)
- [String range filter](#string-range-filter)
- [Length range filter](#length-range-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### String range filter
If you need to filter log message by some field with string values in some range, then `string_range()` filter can be used.
For example, the following LogsQL query matches log entries with `user.name` field starting from `A` and `B` chars:
user.name:string_range(A, C)
The `string_range()` includes the lower bound, while excluding the upper bound. This simplifies querying distinct sets of logs.
For example, the `user.name:string_range(C, E)` would match `user.name` fields, which start from `C` and `D` chars.
See also:
- [Range filter](#range-filter)
- [IPv4 range filter](#ipv4-range-filter)
- [Length range filter](#length-range-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Length range filter
If you need to filter log message by its length, then `len_range()` filter can be used.
For example, the following LogsQL query matches [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field)
with lengths in the range `[5, 10]` chars:
len_range(5, 10)
This query matches the following log messages, since their length is in the requested range:
- `foobar`
- `foo bar`
This query doesn't match the following log messages:
- `foo`, since it is too short
- `foo bar baz abc`, sinc it is too long
It is possible to use `inf` as the upper bound. For example, the following query matches [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field)
with the length bigger or equal to 5 chars:
len_range(5, inf)
The range boundaries can be expressed in the following forms:
- Hexadecimal form. For example, `len_range(0xff, 0xABCD)`.
- Binary form. Form example, `len_range(0b100110, 0b11111101)`
- Integer form with `_` delimiters for better readability. For example, `len_range(1_000, 2_345_678)`.
By default the `len_range()` is applied to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field).
Put the [field name](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) in front of the `len_range()` in order to apply
the filter to the needed field. For example, the following query matches log entries with the `foo` field length in the range `[10, 20]` chars:
foo:len_range(10, 20)
See also:
- [Range filter](#range-filter)
- [Logical filter](#logical-filter)
### Logical filter
Simpler LogsQL [filters](#filters) can be combined into more complex filters with the following logical operations:
- `q1 AND q2` - matches common log entries returned by both `q1` and `q2`. Arbitrary number of [filters](#filters) can be combined with `AND` operation.
For example, `error AND file AND app` matches [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field),
which simultaneously contain `error`, `file` and `app` [words](#word).
The `AND` operation is frequently used in LogsQL queries, so it is allowed to skip the `AND` word.
For example, `error file app` is equivalent to `error AND file AND app`.
- `q1 OR q2` - merges log entries returned by both `q1` and `q2`. Aribtrary number of [filters](#filters) can be combined with `OR` operation.
For example, `error OR warning OR info` matches [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field),
which contain at least one of `error`, `warning` or `info` [words](#word).
- `NOT q` - returns all the log entries except of those which match `q`. For example, `NOT info` returns all the
[log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field),
which do not contain `info` [word](#word). The `NOT` operation is frequently used in LogsQL queries, so it is allowed substituting `NOT` with `!` in queries.
For example, `!info` is equivalent to `NOT info`.
The `NOT` operation has the highest priority, `AND` has the middle priority and `OR` has the lowest priority.
The priority order can be changed with parentheses. For example, `NOT info OR debug` is interpreted as `(NOT info) OR debug`,
so it matches [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field),
which do not contain `info` [word](#word), while it also matches messages with `debug` word (which may contain the `info` word).
This is not what most users expect. In this case the query can be rewritten to `NOT (info OR debug)`,
which correctly returns log messages without `info` and `debug` [words](#word).
LogsQL supports arbitrary complex logical queries with arbitrary mix of `AND`, `OR` and `NOT` operations and parentheses.
By default logical filters apply to the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field)
unless the inner filters explicitly specify the needed [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) via `field_name:filter` syntax.
For example, `(error OR warn) AND host.hostname:host123` is interpreted as `(_msg:error OR _msg:warn) AND host.hostname:host123`.
It is possible to specify a single [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) for multiple filters
with the following syntax:
field_name:(q1 OR q2 OR ... qN)
For example, `log.level:error OR log.level:warning OR log.level:info` can be substituted with the shorter query: `log.level:(error OR warning OR info)`.
Performance tips:
- VictoriaLogs executes logical operations from the left to the right, so it is recommended moving the most specific
and the fastest filters (such as [word filter](#word-filter) and [phrase filter](#phrase-filter)) to the left,
while moving less specific and the slowest filters (such as [regexp filter](#regexp-filter) and [case-insensitive filter](#case-insensitive-filter))
to the right. For example, if you need to find [log messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#message-field)
with the `error` word, which match some `/foo/(bar|baz)` regexp,
it is better from performance PoV to use the query `error re("/foo/(bar|baz)")` instead of `re("/foo/(bar|baz)") error`.
The most specific filter means that it matches the lowest number of log entries comparing to other filters.
- See [other performance tips](#performance-tips).
## Pipes
Additionally to [filters](#filters), LogsQL query may contain arbitrary mix of '|'-delimited actions known as `pipes`.
For example, the following query uses [`stats`](#stats-pipe), [`sort`](#sort-pipe) and [`limit`](#limit-pipe) pipes
for returning top 10 [log streams](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#stream-fields)
with the biggest number of logs during the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats by (_stream) count() per_stream_logs | sort by (per_stream_logs desc) | limit 10
LogsQL supports the following pipes:
- [`copy`](#copy-pipe) copies [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- [`delete`](#delete-pipe) deletes [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- [`extract`](#extract-pipe) extracts the sepcified text into the given log fields.
- [`field_names`](#field_names-pipe) returns all the names of [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- [`fields`](#fields-pipe) selects the given set of [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- [`filter`](#filter-pipe) applies additional [filters](#filters) to results.
- [`limit`](#limit-pipe) limits the number selected logs.
- [`offset`](#offset-pipe) skips the given number of selected logs.
- [`rename`](#rename-pipe) renames [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- [`sort`](#sort-pipe) sorts logs by the given [fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- [`stats`](#stats-pipe) calculates various stats over the selected logs.
- [`uniq`](#uniq-pipe) returns unique log entires.
- [`unpack_json`](#unpack_json-pipe) unpacks JSON fields from [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- [`unpack_logfmt`](#unpack_logfmt-pipe) unpacks [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) fields from [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
### copy pipe
If some [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) must be copied, then `| copy src1 as dst1, ..., srcN as dstN` [pipe](#pipes) can be used.
For example, the following query copies `host` field to `server` for logs over the last 5 minutes, so the output contains both `host` and `server` fields:
_time:5m | copy host as server
Multiple fields can be copied with a single `| copy ...` pipe. For example, the following query copies
[`_time` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#time-field) to `timestamp`, while [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field)
is copied to `message`:
_time:5m | copy _time as timestmap, _msg as message
The `as` keyword is optional.
`cp` keyword can be used instead of `copy` for convenience. For example, `_time:5m | cp foo bar` is equivalent to `_time:5m | copy foo as bar`.
See also:
- [`rename` pipe](#rename-pipe)
- [`fields` pipe](#fields-pipe)
- [`delete` pipe](#delete-pipe)
### delete pipe
If some [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) must be deleted, then `| delete field1, ..., fieldN` [pipe](#pipes) can be used.
For example, the following query deletes `host` and `app` fields from the logs over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | delete host, app
`del` and `rm` keywords can be used instead of `delete` for convenience. For example, `_time:5m | del host` is equivalent to `_time:5m | rm host` and `_time:5m | delete host`.
See also:
- [`rename` pipe](#rename-pipe)
- [`fields` pipe](#fields-pipe)
### extract pipe
`| extract from field_name "pattern"` [pipe](#pipes) allows extracting additional fields specified in the `pattern` from the given
`field_name` [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model). Existing log fields remain unchanged
after the `| extract ...` pipe.
`| extract ...` pipe can be useful for extracting additional fields needed for further data processing with other pipes such as [`stats` pipe](#stats-pipe) or [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe).
For example, the following query selects logs with the `error` [word](#word) for the last day,
extracts ip address from [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field) into `ip` field and then calculates top 10 ip addresses
with the biggest number of logs:
_time:1d error | extract from _msg "ip=<ip> " | stats by (ip) count() logs | sort by (logs) desc limit 10
It is expected that `_msg` field contains `ip=...` substring, which ends with space. For example, `error ip= from user_id=42`.
If the `| extract ...` pipe is applied to [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field), then the `from _msg` part can be omitted.
For example, the following query is equivalent to the previous one:
_time:1d error | extract "ip=<ip> " | stats by (ip) count() logs | sort by (logs) desc limit 10
See also:
- [format for extract pipe pattern](#format-for-extract-pipe-pattern)
- [`unpack_json` pipe](#unpack_json-pipe)
- [`unpack_logfmt` pipe](#unpack_logfmt-pipe)
#### Format for extract pipe pattern
The `pattern` part from [`| extract from src_field "pattern"` pipe](#extract-pipes) may contain arbitrary text, which matches as is to the `src_field` value.
Additionally to arbitrary text, the `pattern` may contain placeholders in the form `<...>`, which match any strings, including empty strings.
Placeholders may be named, such as `<ip>`, or anonymous, such as `<_>`. Named placeholders extract the matching text into
the corresponding [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
Anonymous placeholders are useful for skipping arbitrary text during pattern matching.
For example, if [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field) contains the following text:
| GET /foo/bar?baz 404 "Mozilla foo bar baz" some tail here
Then the following `| extract ...` [pipe](#pipes) can be used for extracting `ip`, `path` and `user_agent` fields from it:
| extract '<ip> <_> <path> <_> "<user_agent>"'
Note that the user-agent part of the log message is in double quotes. This means that it may contain special chars, including escaped double quote, e.g. `\"`.
This may break proper matching of the string in double quotes.
VictoriaLogs automatically detects the whole string in quotes and automatically decodes it if the first char in the placeholder is double quote or backtick.
So it is better to use the following `pattern` for proper matching of quoted strings:
| extract "<ip> <_> <path> <_> <user_agent>"
Note that the `user_agent` now matches double quotes, but VictoriaLogs automatically unquotes the matching string before storing it in the `user_agent` field.
This propery is useful for extracting JSON strings. For example, the following `pattern` properly extracts the `message` JSON string into `msg` field:
| extract '"message":<msg>'
If some special chars such as `<` must be matched by the `pattern`, then they can be [html-escaped](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_and_HTML_character_entity_references).
For example, the following `pattern` properly matches `a < 123.456` text:
| extract "<left> < <right>"
### field_names pipe
Sometimes it may be needed to get all the field names for the selected results. This may be done with `| field_names ...` [pipe](#pipes).
For example, the following query returns all the names of [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
from the logs over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | field_names as names
Field names are returned in arbitrary order. Use [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe) in order to sort them if needed.
See also:
- [`uniq` pipe](#uniq-pipe)
### fields pipe
By default all the [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) are returned in the response.
It is possible to select the given set of log fields with `| fields field1, ..., fieldN` [pipe](#pipes). For example, the following query selects only `host`
and [`_msg`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field) fields from logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | fields host, _msg
See also:
- [`copy` pipe](#copy-pipe)
- [`rename` pipe](#rename-pipe)
- [`delete` pipe](#delete-pipe)
### filter pipe
Sometimes it is needed to apply additional filters on the calculated results. This can be done with `| filter ...` [pipe](#pipes).
The `filter` pipe can contain arbitrary [filters](#filters).
For example, the following query returns `host` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) values
if the number of log messages with the `error` [word](#word) for them over the last hour exceeds `1_000`:
_time:1h error | stats by (host) count() logs_count | filter logs_count:> 1_000
See also:
- [`stats` pipe](#stats-pipe)
- [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe)
### limit pipe
If only a subset of selected logs must be processed, then `| limit N` [pipe](#pipes) can be used, where `N` can contain any [supported integer numeric value](#numeric-values).
For example, the following query returns up to 100 logs over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | limit 100
`head` keyword can be used instead of `limit` for convenience. For example, `_time:5m | head 100` is equivalent to `_time:5m | limit 100`.
By default rows are selected in arbitrary order because of performance reasons, so the query above can return different sets of logs every time it is executed.
[`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe) can be used for making sure the logs are in the same order before applying `limit ...` to them.
See also:
- [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe)
- [`offset` pipe](#offset-pipe)
### offset pipe
If some selected logs must be skipped after [`sort`](#sort-pipe), then `| offset N` [pipe](#pipes) can be used, where `N` can contain any [supported integer numeric value](#numeric-values).
For example, the following query skips the first 100 logs over the last 5 minutes after soring them by [`_time`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#time-field):
_time:5m | sort by (_time) | offset 100
`skip` keyword can be used instead of `offset` keyword for convenience. For example, `_time:5m | skip 10` is equivalent to `_time:5m | offset 10`.
Note that skipping rows without sorting has little sense, since they can be returned in arbitrary order because of performance reasons.
Rows can be sorted with [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe).
See also:
- [`limit` pipe](#limit-pipe)
- [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe)
### rename pipe
If some [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) must be renamed, then `| rename src1 as dst1, ..., srcN as dstN` [pipe](#pipes) can be used.
For example, the following query renames `host` field to `server` for logs over the last 5 minutes, so the output contains `server` field instead of `host` field:
_time:5m | rename host as server
Multiple fields can be renamed with a single `| rename ...` pipe. For example, the following query renames `host` to `instance` and `app` to `job`:
_time:5m | rename host as instance, app as job
The `as` keyword is optional.
`mv` keyword can be used instead of `rename` keyword for convenience. For example, `_time:5m | mv foo bar` is equivalent to `_time:5m | rename foo as bar`.
See also:
- [`copy` pipe](#copy-pipe)
- [`fields` pipe](#fields-pipe)
- [`delete` pipe](#delete-pipe)
### sort pipe
By default logs are selected in arbitrary order because of performance reasons. If logs must be sorted, then `| sort by (field1, ..., fieldN)` [pipe](#pipes) can be used.
The returned logs are sorted by the given [fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
using [natural sorting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_sort_order).
For example, the following query returns logs for the last 5 minutes sorted by [`_stream`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#stream-fields)
and then by [`_time`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#time-field):
_time:5m | sort by (_stream, _time)
Add `desc` after the given log field in order to sort in reverse order of this field. For example, the following query sorts log fields in reverse order of `request_duration_seconds` field:
_time:5m | sort by (request_duration_seconds desc)
The reverse order can be applied globally via `desc` keyword after `by(...)` clause:
_time:5m | sort by (foo, bar) desc
The `by` keyword can be skipped in `sort ...` pipe. For example, the following query is equivalent to the previous one:
_time:5m | sort (foo, bar) desc
Sorting of big number of logs can consume a lot of CPU time and memory. Sometimes it is enough to return the first `N` entries with the biggest
or the smallest values. This can be done by adding `limit N` to the end of `sort ...` pipe.
Such a query consumes lower amounts of memory when sorting big number of logs, since it keeps in memory only `N` log entries.
For example, the following query returns top 10 log entries with the biggest values
for the `request_duration` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) during the last hour:
_time:1h | sort by (request_duration desc) limit 10
If the first `N` sorted results must be skipped, then `offset N` can be added to `sort` pipe. For example,
the following query skips the first 10 logs with the biggest `request_duration` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model),
and then returns the next 20 sorted logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:1h | sort by (request_duration desc) offset 10 limit 20
Note that sorting of big number of logs can be slow and can consume a lot of additional memory.
It is recommended limiting the number of logs before sorting with the following approaches:
- Adding `limit N` to the end of `sort ...` pipe.
- Reducing the selected time range with [time filter](#time-filter).
- Using more specific [filters](#filters), so they select less logs.
- Limiting the number of selected [fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) via [`fields` pipe](#fields-pipe).
See also:
- [`stats` pipe](#stats-pipe)
- [`limit` pipe](#limit-pipe)
- [`offset` pipe](#offset-pipe)
### stats pipe
`| stats ...` pipe allows calculating various stats over the selected logs. For example, the following LogsQL query
uses [`count` stats function](#count-stats) for calculating the number of logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats count() logs_total
`| stats ...` pipe has the following basic format:
... | stats
stats_func1(...) as result_name1,
stats_funcN(...) as result_nameN
Where `stats_func*` is any of the supported [stats function](#stats-pipe-functions), while `result_name*` is the name of the log field
to store the result of the corresponding stats function. The `as` keyword is optional.
For example, the following query calculates the following stats for logs over the last 5 minutes:
- the number of logs with the help of [`count` stats function](#count-stats);
- the number of unique [log streams](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#stream-fields) with the help of [`count_uniq` stats function](#count_uniq-stats):
_time:5m | stats count() logs_total, count_uniq(_stream) streams_total
See also:
- [stats by fields](#stats-by-fields)
- [stats by time buckets](#stats-by-time-buckets)
- [stats by time buckets with timezone offset](#stats-by-time-buckets-with-timezone-offset)
- [stats by field buckets](#stats-by-field-buckets)
- [stats by IPv4 buckets](#stats-by-ipv4-buckets)
- [stats with additional filters](#stats-with-additional-filters)
- [stats pipe functions](#stats-pipe-functions)
- [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe)
#### Stats by fields
The following LogsQL syntax can be used for calculating independent stats per group of log fields:
... | stats by (field1, ..., fieldM)
stats_func1(...) as result_name1,
stats_funcN(...) as result_nameN
This calculates `stats_func*` per each `(field1, ..., fieldM)` group of [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
For example, the following query calculates the number of logs and unique ip addresses over the last 5 minutes,
grouped by `(host, path)` fields:
_time:5m | stats by (host, path) count() logs_total, count_uniq(ip) ips_total
The `by` keyword can be skipped in `stats ...` pipe. For example, the following query is equvalent to the previous one:
_time:5m | stats (host, path) count() logs_total, count_uniq(ip) ips_total
#### Stats by time buckets
The following syntax can be used for calculating stats grouped by time buckets:
... | stats by (_time:step)
stats_func1(...) as result_name1,
stats_funcN(...) as result_nameN
This calculates `stats_func*` per each `step` of [`_time`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#time-field) field.
The `step` can have any [duration value](#duration-values). For example, the following LogsQL query returns per-minute number of logs and unique ip addresses
over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats by (_time:1m) count() logs_total, count_uniq(ip) ips_total
Additionally, the following `step` values are supported:
- `nanosecond` - equals to `1ns` [duration](#duration-values).
- `microsecond` - equals to `1µs` [duration](#duration-values).
- `millisecond` - equals to `1ms` [duration](#duration-values).
- `second` - equals to `1s` [duration](#duration-values).
- `minute` - equals to `1m` [duration](#duration-values).
- `hour` - equalst to `1h` [duration](#duration-values).
- `day` - equals to `1d` [duration](#duration-values).
- `week` - equals to `1w` [duration](#duration-values).
- `month` - equals to one month. It properly takes into account the number of days per each month.
- `year` - equals to one year. It properly takes into account the number of days per each year.
#### Stats by time buckets with timezone offset
VictoriaLogs stores [`_time`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#time-field) values as [Unix time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time)
in nanoseconds. This time corresponds to [UTC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time) time zone. Sometimes it is needed calculating stats
grouped by days or weeks at non-UTC timezone. This is possible with the following syntax:
... | stats by (_time:step offset timezone_offset) ...
For example, the following query calculates per-day number of logs over the last week, in `UTC+02:00` [time zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone):
_time:1w | stats by (_time:1d offset 2h) count() logs_total
#### Stats by field buckets
Every log field inside `| stats by (...)` can be bucketed in the same way at `_time` field in [this example](#stats-by-time-buckets).
Any [numeric value](#numeric-values) can be used as `step` value for the bucket. For example, the following query calculates
the number of requests for the last hour, bucketed by 10KB of `request_size_bytes` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model):
_time:1h | stats by (request_size_bytes:10KB) count() requests
#### Stats by IPv4 buckets
Stats can be bucketed by [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model) containing [IPv4 addresses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address)
via the `ip_field_name:/network_mask` syntax inside `by(...)` clause. For example, the following query returns the number of log entries per `/24` subnetwork
extracted from the `ip` [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model) during the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats by (ip:/24) count() requests_per_subnet
#### Stats with additional filters
Sometimes it is needed to calculate stats on different subsets of matching logs. This can be done by inserting `if (<any_filters>)` condition
between [stats function](#stats-pipe-functions) and `result_name`, where `any_filter` can contain arbitrary [filters](#filters).
For example, the following query calculates individually the number of [logs messages](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field)
with `GET`, `POST` and `PUT` [words](#word), additionally to the total number of logs over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats
count() if (GET) gets,
count() if (POST) posts,
count() if (PUT) puts,
count() total
### uniq pipe
`| uniq ...` pipe allows returning only unique results over the selected logs. For example, the following LogsQL query
returns unique values for `ip` [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | uniq by (ip)
It is possible to specify multiple fields inside `by(...)` clause. In this case all the unique sets for the given fields
are returned. For example, the following query returns all the unique `(host, path)` pairs for the logs over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | uniq by (host, path)
The unique entries are returned in arbitrary order. Use [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe) in order to sort them if needed.
Unique entries are stored in memory during query execution. Big number of unique selected entries may require a lot of memory.
Sometimes it is enough to return up to `N` unique entries. This can be done by adding `limit N` after `by (...)` clause.
This allows limiting memory usage. For example, the following query returns up to 100 unique `(host, path)` pairs for the logs over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | uniq by (host, path) limit 100
The `by` keyword can be skipped in `uniq ...` pipe. For example, the following query is equivalent to the previous one:
_time:5m | uniq (host, path) limit 100
See also:
- [`uniq_values` stats function](#uniq_values-stats)
### unpack_json pipe
`| unpack_json from field_name` pipe unpacks `{"k1":"v1", ..., "kN":"vN"}` JSON from the given `field_name` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
into `k1`, ... `kN` field names with the corresponding `v1`, ..., `vN` values. It overrides existing fields with names from the `k1`, ..., `kN` list. Other fields remain untouched.
Nested JSON is unpacked according to the rules defined [here](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
For example, the following query unpacks JSON fields from the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field) across logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | unpack_json from _msg
The `from _json` part can be omitted when JSON fields are unpacked from the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field).
The following query is equivalent to the previous one:
_time:5m | unpack_json
If you want to make sure that the unpacked JSON fields do not clash with the existing fields, then specify common prefix for all the fields extracted from JSON,
by adding `result_prefix "prefix_name"` to `unpack_json`. For example, the following query adds `foo_` prefix for all the unpacked fields
form [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field):
_time:5m | unpack_json result_prefix "foo_"
Performance tip: if you need extracting a single field from long JSON, it is faster to use [`extract` pipe](#extract-pipe). For example, the following query extracts `"ip"` field from JSON
stored in [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field):
_time:5m | extract '"ip":<field_value>'
See also:
- [`unpack_logfmt` pipe](#unpack_logfmt-pipe)
- [`extract` pipe](#extract-pipe)
### unpack_logfmt pipe
`| unpack_logfmt from field_name` pipe unpacks `k1=v1 ... kN=vN` [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) fields
from the given `field_name` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model) into `k1`, ... `kN` field names
with the corresponding `v1`, ..., `vN` values. It overrides existing fields with names from the `k1`, ..., `kN` list. Other fields remain untouched.
For example, the following query unpacks [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) fields from the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field)
across logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | unpack_logfmt from _msg
The `from _json` part can be omitted when [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) fields are unpacked from the [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field).
The following query is equivalent to the previous one:
_time:5m | unpack_logfmt
If you want to make sure that the unpacked [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) fields do not clash with the existing fields, then specify common prefix for all the fields extracted from JSON,
by adding `result_prefix "prefix_name"` to `unpack_logfmt`. For example, the following query adds `foo_` prefix for all the unpacked fields
from [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field):
_time:5m | unpack_logfmt result_prefix "foo_"
Performance tip: if you need extracting a single field from long [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) line, it is faster to use [`extract` pipe](#extract-pipe).
For example, the following query extracts `"ip"` field from [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) line stored
in [`_msg` field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field):
_time:5m | extract ' ip=<field_value>'
See also:
- [`unpack_json` pipe](#unpack_json-pipe)
- [`extract` pipe](#extract-pipe)
## stats pipe functions
LogsQL supports the following functions for [`stats` pipe](#stats-pipe):
- [`avg`](#avg-stats) calculates the average value over the given numeric [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`count`](#count-stats) calculates the number of log entries.
- [`count_empty`](#count_empty-stats) calculates the number logs with empty [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`count_uniq`](#count_uniq-stats) calculates the number of unique non-empty values for the given [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`max`](#max-stats) calcualtes the maximum value over the given numeric [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`median`](#median-stats) calcualtes the [median](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median) value over the given numeric [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`min`](#min-stats) calculates the minumum value over the given numeric [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`quantile`](#quantile-stats) calculates the given quantile for the given numeric [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`sum`](#sum-stats) calculates the sum for the given numeric [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`sum_len`](#sum_len-stats) calculates the sum of lengths for the given [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`uniq_values`](#uniq_values-stats) returns unique non-empty values for the given [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
- [`values`](#values-stats) returns all the values for the given [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
### avg stats
`avg(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) calculates the average value across
all the mentioned [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
Non-numeric values are ignored.
For example, the following query returns the average value for the `duration` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats avg(duration) avg_duration
See also:
- [`median`](#median-stats)
- [`quantile`](#quantile-stats)
- [`min`](#min-stats)
- [`max`](#max-stats)
- [`sum`](#sum-stats)
- [`count`](#count-stats)
### count stats
`count()` calculates the number of selected logs.
For example, the following query returns the number of logs over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats count() logs
It is possible calculating the number of logs with non-empty values for some [log field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
with the `count(fieldName)` syntax. For example, the following query returns the number of logs with non-empty `username` field over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats count(username) logs_with_username
If multiple fields are enumerated inside `count()`, then it counts the number of logs with at least a single non-empty field mentioned inside `count()`.
For example, the following query returns the number of logs with non-empty `username` or `password` [fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats count(username, password) logs_with_username_or_password
See also:
- [`count_uniq`](#count_uniq-stats)
- [`count_empty`](#count_empty-stats)
- [`sum`](#sum-stats)
- [`avg`](#avg-stats)
### count_empty stats
`count_empty(field1, ..., fieldN)` calculates the number of logs with empty `(field1, ..., fieldN)` tuples.
For example, the following query calculates the number of logs with empty `username` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
during the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats count_empty(username) logs_with_missing_username
See also:
- [`count`](#count-stats)
- [`count_uniq`](#count_uniq-stats)
### count_uniq stats
`count_uniq(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) calculates the number of unique non-empty `(field1, ..., fieldN)` tuples.
For example, the following query returns the number of unique non-empty values for `ip` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats count_uniq(ip) ips
The following query returns the number of unique `(host, path)` pairs for the corresponding [fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats count_uniq(host, path) unique_host_path_pairs
Every unique value is stored in memory during query execution. Big number of unique values may require a lot of memory.
Sometimes it is needed to know whether the number of unique values reaches some limit. In this case add `limit N` just after `count_uniq(...)`
for limiting the number of counted unique values up to `N`, while limiting the maximum memory usage. For example, the following query counts
up to `1_000_000` unique values for the `ip` field:
_time:5m | stats count_uniq(ip) limit 1_000_000 as ips_1_000_000
See also:
- [`uniq_values`](#uniq_values-stats)
- [`count`](#count-stats)
### max stats
`max(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) returns the maximum value across
all the mentioned [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
For example, the following query returns the maximum value for the `duration` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats max(duration) max_duration
See also:
- [`min`](#min-stats)
- [`quantile`](#quantile-stats)
- [`avg`](#avg-stats)
- [`sum`](#sum-stats)
- [`count`](#count-stats)
### median stats
`median(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) calculates the [median](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median) value across
the give numeric [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
For example, the following query return median for the `duration` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats median(duration) median_duration
See also:
- [`quantile`](#quantile-stats)
- [`avg`](#avg-stats)
### min stats
`min(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) returns the minimum value across
all the mentioned [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
For example, the following query returns the minimum value for the `duration` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats min(duration) min_duration
See also:
- [`max`](#max-stats)
- [`quantile`](#quantile-stats)
- [`avg`](#avg-stats)
- [`sum`](#sum-stats)
- [`count`](#count-stats)
### quantile stats
`quantile(phi, field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) calculates `phi` [percentile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percentile) over numeric values
for the given [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model). The `phi` must be in the range `0 ... 1`, where `0` means `0th` percentile,
while `1` means `100th` percentile.
For example, the following query calculates `50th`, `90th` and `99th` percentiles for the `request_duration_seconds` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats
quantile(0.5, request_duration_seconds) p50,
quantile(0.9, request_duration_seconds) p90,
quantile(0.99, request_duration_seconds) p99
See also:
- [`min`](#min-stats)
- [`max`](#max-stats)
- [`median`](#median-stats)
- [`avg`](#avg-stats)
### sum stats
`sum(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) calculates the sum of numeric values across
all the mentioned [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
For example, the following query returns the sum of numeric values for the `duration` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats sum(duration) sum_duration
See also:
- [`count`](#count-stats)
- [`avg`](#avg-stats)
- [`max`](#max-stats)
- [`min`](#min-stats)
### sum_len stats
`sum_len(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) calculates the sum of lengths of all the values
for the given [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
For example, the following query returns the sum of lengths of [`_msg` fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#message-field)
across all the logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats sum_len(_msg) messages_len
See also:
- [`count`](#count-stats)
### uniq_values stats
`uniq_values(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) returns the unique non-empty values across
the mentioned [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
The returned values are encoded in JSON array. The order of the returned values is arbitrary.
For example, the following query returns unique non-empty values for the `ip` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats uniq_values(ip) unique_ips
Every unique value is stored in memory during query execution. Big number of unique values may require a lot of memory. Sometimes it is enough to return
only a subset of unique values. In this case add `limit N` after `uniq_values(...)` in order to limit the number of returned unique values to `N`,
while limiting the maximum memory usage.
For example, the following query returns up to `100` unique values for the `ip` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over the logs for the last 5 minutes. Note that arbitrary subset of unique `ip` values is returned every time:
_time:5m | stats uniq_values(ip) limit 100 as unique_ips_100
See also:
- [`uniq` pipe](#uniq-pipe)
- [`values`](#values-stats)
- [`count_uniq`](#count_uniq-stats)
- [`count`](#count-stats)
### values stats
`values(field1, ..., fieldN)` [stats pipe](#stats-pipe) returns all the values (including empty values)
for the mentioned [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model).
The returned values are encoded in JSON array.
For example, the following query returns all the values for the `ip` [field](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model)
over logs for the last 5 minutes:
_time:5m | stats values(ip) ips
See also:
- [`uniq_values`](#uniq_values-stats)
- [`count`](#count-stats)
- [`count_empty`](#count_empty-stats)
## Stream context
LogsQL will support the ability to select the given number of surrounding log lines for the selected log lines
on a [per-stream](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#stream-fields) basis.
See the [Roadmap](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/Roadmap.html) for details.
## Transformations
LogsQL supports the following transformations on the log entries selected with [filters](#filters):
- Extracting arbitrary text from [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) according to the provided pattern.
See [these docs](#extract-pipe) for details.
- Unpacking JSON fields from [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model). See [these docs](#unpack_json-pipe).
- Unpacking [logfmt](https://brandur.org/logfmt) fields from [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model). See [these docs](#unpack_logfmt-pipe).
LogsQL will support the following transformations in the future:
- Creating a new field from existing [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model)
according to the provided format.
- Creating a new field according to math calculations over existing [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model).
- Parsing duration strings into floating-point seconds for further [stats calculations](#stats-pipe).
See the [Roadmap](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/Roadmap.html) for details.
It is also possible to perform various transformations on the [selected log entries](#filters) at client side
with `jq`, `awk`, `cut`, etc. Unix commands according to [these docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/querying/#command-line).
## Post-filters
Post-filtering of query results can be performed at any step by using [`filter` pipe](#filter-pipe).
It is also possible to perform post-filtering of the [selected log entries](#filters) at client side with `grep` and similar Unix commands
according to [these docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/querying/#command-line).
## Stats
Stats over the selected logs can be calculated via [`stats` pipe](#stats-pipe).
It is also possible to perform stats calculations on the [selected log entries](#filters) at client side with `sort`, `uniq`, etc. Unix commands
according to [these docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/querying/#command-line).
## Sorting
By default VictoriaLogs doesn't sort the returned results because of performance reasons. Use [`sort` pipe](#sort-pipe) for sorting the results.
## Limiters
LogsQL provides the following [pipes](#pipes) for limiting the number of returned log entries:
- [`fields`](#fields-pipe) and [`delete`](#delete-pipe) pipes allow limiting the set of [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#data-model) to return.
- [`limit` pipe](#limit-pipe) allows limiting the number of log entries to return.
## Querying specific fields
Specific log fields can be queried via [`fields` pipe](#fields-pipe).
## Numeric values
LogsQL accepts numeric values in the following formats:
- regular integers like `12345` or `-12345`
- regular floating point numbers like `0.123` or `-12.34`
- [short numeric format](#short-numeric-values)
- [duration format](#duration-values)
### Short numeric values
LogsQL accepts integer and floating point values with the following suffixes:
- `K` and `KB` - the value is multiplied by `10^3`
- `M` and `MB` - the value is multiplied by `10^6`
- `G` and `GB` - the value is multiplied by `10^9`
- `T` and `TB` - the value is multiplied by `10^12`
- `Ki` and `KiB` - the value is multiplied by `2^10`
- `Mi` and `MiB` - the value is multiplied by `2^20`
- `Gi` and `GiB` - the value is multiplied by `2^30`
- `Ti` and `TiB` - the value is multiplied by `2^40`
All the numbers may contain `_` delimiters, which may improve readability of the query. For example, `1_234_567` is equivalent to `1234567`,
while `1.234_567` is equivalent to `1.234567`.
## Duration values
LogsQL accepts duration values with the following suffixes at places where the duration is allowed:
- `ns` - nanoseconds. For example, `123ns`.
- `µs` - microseconds. For example, `1.23µs`.
- `ms` - milliseconds. For example, `1.23456ms`
- `s` - seconds. For example, `1.234s`
- `m` - minutes. For example, `1.5m`
- `h` - hours. For example, `1.5h`
- `d` - days. For example, `1.5d`
- `w` - weeks. For example, `1w`
- `y` - years as 365 days. For example, `1.5y`
Multiple durations can be combined. For example, `1h33m55s`.
Internally duration values are converted into nanoseconds.
## Performance tips
- It is highly recommended specifying [time filter](#time-filter) in order to narrow down the search to specific time range.
- It is highly recommended specifying [stream filter](#stream-filter) in order to narrow down the search
to specific [log streams](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/keyConcepts.html#stream-fields).
- Move faster filters such as [word filter](#word-filter) and [phrase filter](#phrase-filter) to the beginning of the query.
This rule doesn't apply to [time filter](#time-filter) and [stream filter](#stream-filter), which can be put at any place of the query.
- Move more specific filters, which match lower number of log entries, to the beginning of the query.
This rule doesn't apply to [time filter](#time-filter) and [stream filter](#stream-filter), which can be put at any place of the query.