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  • FEATURE: reduce the size of MetricName -> internal_series_id cache (aka vm_cache_size_bytes{type="storage/tsid"}) when ingesting samples for the same time series with distinct order of labels. For example, foo{k1="v1",k2="v2"} and foo{k2="v2",k1="v1"} represent a single time series. Previously VictoriaMetrics could need additional memory when ingesting such samples. The number of ingested samples with distinct order of labels for the same time series can be monitored with vm_sorted_row_labels_inserts_total metric.
  • FEATURE: vmagent: reduce memory usage when -remoteWrite.queues is set to a big value. See this issue.


  • FEATURE: publish vmutils for GOOS=arm on releases page.

  • BUGFIX: prevent from possible incomplete query results after timed out query.

  • BUGFIX: vmselect: remove -search.storageTimeout command-line flag, since it has the same meaning as -search.maxQueryDuration. See this issue.

  • BUGFIX: vminsert: return back type label to per-tenant metric vm_tenant_inserted_rows_total. See this issue.


  • FEATURE: optimize query performance by up to 10x on systems with many CPU cores. See this tweet.

  • FEATURE: add the following metrics at /metrics page for every VictoraMetrics app:

    • process_resident_memory_anon_bytes - RSS share for memory allocated by the process itself. This share cannot be freed by the OS, so it must be taken into account by OOM killer.
    • process_resident_memory_file_bytes - RSS share for page cache memory (aka memory-mapped files). This share can be freed by the OS at any time, so it must be ignored by OOM killer.
    • process_resident_memory_shared_bytes - RSS share for memory shared with other processes (aka shared memory). This share can be freed by the OS at any time, so it must be ignored by OOM killer.
    • process_resident_memory_peak_bytes - peak RSS usage for the process.
    • process_virtual_memory_peak_bytes - peak virtual memory usage for the process.
  • FEATURE: accept and enforce extra_label=<label_name>=<label_value> query arg at Graphite APIs.

  • FEATURE: use Influx field as metric name if measurement is empty and -influxSkipSingleField command-line is set. See this issue.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: add -promscrape.consul.waitTime command-line flag for tuning the maximum wait time for Consul service discovery. See this issue.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: add vm_promscrape_discovery_kubernetes_stale_resource_versions_total metric for monitoring the frequency of too old resource version errors during Kubernetes service discovery.

  • FEATURE: single-node VictoriaMetrics: log metrics with timestamps older than -search.cacheTimestampOffset compared to the current time. See these docs for details.

  • BUGFIX: prevent from infinite loop on {__graphite__="..."} filters when a metric name contains *, { or [ chars.

  • BUGFIX: prevent from infinite loop in /metrics/find and /metrics/expand Graphite Metrics API handlers when they match metric names or labels with *, { or [ chars.

  • BUGFIX: do not merge duplicate time series during requests to /api/v1/query. See

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly handle too old resource version error messages from Kubernetes watch API. See

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: do not retry sending data blocks if remote storage returns 400 Bad Request error. The number of dropped blocks due to such errors can be monitored with vmagent_remotewrite_packets_dropped_total metrics. See

  • BUGFIX: properly calculate summarize and *Series functions in Graphite Render API.


  • FEATURE: add the following functions to MetricsQL:

    • histogram_avg(buckets) - returns the average value for the given buckets.
    • histogram_stdvar(buckets) - returns standard variance for the given buckets.
    • histogram_stddev(buckets) - returns standard deviation for the given buckets.
  • FEATURE: export vm_available_memory_bytes and vm_available_cpu_cores metrics, which show the number of available RAM and available CPU cores for VictoriaMetrics apps.

  • FEATURE: export vm_index_search_duration_seconds histogram, which can be used for troubleshooting time series search performance.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: add ability to replicate scrape targets among vmagent instances in the cluster with -promscrape.cluster.replicationFactor command-line flag. See these docs.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: accept scrape_offset option at scrape_config. This option may be useful when scrapes must start at the specified offset of every scrape interval. See these docs for details.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: support proxy_tls_config, proxy_basic_auth, proxy_bearer_token and proxy_bearer_token_file options at scrape_config section for configuring proxies specified via proxy_url. See these docs.

  • FEATURE: vmauth: allow using regexp paths in url_map. See this issue for details.

  • FEATURE: accept round_digits query arg at /api/v1/query and /api/v1/query_range handlers. This option can be set at Prometheus datasource in Grafana for limiting the number of digits after the decimal point in response values.

  • FEATURE: add -influx.databaseNames command-line flag, which can be used for accepting data from some Telegraf plugins such as fluentd plugin. See this issue.

  • FEATURE: add -logNewSeries command-line flag, which can be used for debugging the source of time series churn rate.

  • FEATURE: publish Windows builds for vmagent, vmalert, vmauth and vmctl at vmutils-windows-*.zip archives at releases page.

  • FEATURE: listen for IPv6 UDP if -enableTCP6 command-line flag is passed to VictoriaMetrics. See this issue.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: prevent from high CPU usage bug during failing scrapes with small scrape_timeout (less than a few seconds).

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: reduce memory usage when Kubernetes service discovery is used in big number of distinct scrape config jobs by sharing Kubernetes object cache. See

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: apply sample_limit only after metric_relabel_configs are applied as Prometheus does. Previously the sample_limit was applied before metrics relabeling.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly apply tls_config, basic_auth and bearer_token to proxy connections if proxy_url option is set. See

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly scrape targets via https proxy specified in proxy_url if insecure_skip_verify flag isn't set in tls_config section. See

  • BUGFUX: avoid duplicate time series error if prometheus_buckets() covers a time range with distinct set of buckets.

  • BUGFIX: prevent exponent overflow when processing extremely small values close to zero such as 2.964393875E-314. See

  • BUGFIX: do not include datapoints with a timestamp t-d when returning results from /api/v1/query?query=m[d]&time=t as Prometheus does.

  • BUGFIX: do not crash if a query contains histogram_over_time() function name with uppercase chars. For example, Histogram_Over_Time(m[5m]).



  • FEATURE: add sign(q) and clamp(q, min, max) functions, which are planned to be added in the upcoming Prometheus release . The last_over_time(m[d]) function is already supported in MetricsQL.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: add scrape_align_interval config option, which can be used for aligning scrapes to the beginning of the configured interval. See these docs for details.

  • FEATURE: expose io-related metrics at /metrics page for every VictoriaMetrics component:

    • process_io_read_bytes_total - the number of bytes read via io syscalls such as read and pread
    • process_io_written_bytes_total - the number of bytes written via io syscalls such as write and pwrite
    • process_io_read_syscalls_total - the number of read syscalls such as read and pread
    • process_io_write_syscalls_total - the number of write syscalls such as write and pwrite
    • process_io_storage_read_bytes_total - the number of bytes read from storage layer
    • process_io_storage_written_bytes_total - the number of bytes written to storage layer
  • FEATURE: vmagent: add ability to spread scrape targets among multiple vmagent instances. See these docs and this issue for details.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: use watch API for Kuberntes service discovery. This should reduce load on Kuberntes API server when it tracks big number of objects (for example, 10K pods). This should also reduce the time needed for k8s targets discovery. See this issue for details.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: export vm_promscrape_target_relabel_duration_seconds metric, which can be used for monitoring the time spend on relabeling for discovered targets.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: optimize relabeling performance for common cases.

  • FEATURE: add increase_pure(m[d]) function to MetricsQL. It works the same as increase(m[d]) except of various edge cases. See this issue for details.

  • FEATURE: increase accuracy for buckets_limit(limit, buckets) results for small limit values. See MetricsQL docs for details.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: initial support for Windows build with CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows go build -mod=vendor ./app/vmagent. See this and this issue.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: support WebIdentityToken auth in EC2 service discovery. See this issue for details.

  • FEATURE: vmalert: properly process query params in -datasource.url and -remoteRead.url command-line flags. See this issue for details.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly apply -remoteWrite.rateLimit when -remoteWrite.queues is greater than 1. Previously there was a data race, which could prevent from proper rate limiting.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly perform graceful shutdown on SIGINT and SIGTERM signals. The graceful shutdown has been broken in v1.54.0. See

  • BUGFIX: reduce the probability of duplicate time series errors when querying Kubernetes metrics.

  • BUGFIX: properly calculate histogram_quantile() over time series with only a single non-zero bucket with {le="+Inf"}. Previously NaN was returned, now the value for the last bucket before {le="+Inf"} is returned like Prometheus does.

  • BUGFIX: vmselect: do not cache partial query results on timeout when receiving data from vmstorage nodes. See

  • BUGFIX: properly handle stale NFS file handle error.

  • BUGFIX: properly cache query results when extra_label query arg is used. Previously the cached results could clash for different extra_label values. See

  • BUGFIX: fix http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call issue. See

  • BUGFIX: fix arm64 builds due to the issue in See

  • BUGFIX: fix index out of range [1024819115206086200] with length 27 panic, which could occur when 1e-9 value is passed to VictoriaMetrics histogram. See

  • BUGFIX: fix parsing for Graphite line with empty tags such as foo; 123 456. See

  • BUGFIX: unescape only \\, \n and \" in label names when parsing Prometheus text exposition format as Prometheus does. Previously other escape sequences could be improperly unescaped.


  • BUGFIX: properly handle queries containing a filter on metric name plus any number of negative filters and zero non-negative filters. For example, node_cpu_seconds_total{mode!="idle"}. The bug was introduced in v1.54.0.


  • FEATURE: optimize searching for matching metrics for metric{<label_filters>} queries if <label_filters> contains at least a single filter. For example, the query up{job="foobar"} should find the matching time series much faster than previously.

  • FEATURE: reduce execution times for q1 <binary_op> q2 queries by executing q1 and q2 in parallel.

  • FEATURE: switch from Go1.15 to Go1.16 for building prod binaries.

  • FEATURE: single-node VictoriaMetrics now accepts requests to handlers with /prometheus and /graphite prefixes such as /prometheus/api/v1/query. This improves compatibility with handlers from VictoriaMetrics cluster.

  • FEATURE: expose process_open_fds and process_max_fds metrics. These metrics can be used for alerting when process_open_fds reaches process_max_fds. See and

  • FEATURE: vmalert: add -datasource.appendTypePrefix command-line option for querying both Prometheus and Graphite datasource in cluster version of VictoriaMetrics. See these docs for details.

  • FEATURE: vmauth: add ability to route requests from a single user to multiple destinations depending on the requested paths. See

  • FEATURE: remove dependency on external programs such as cat, grep and cut when detecting cpu and memory limits inside Docker or LXC container.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: add __meta_kubernetes_endpoints_label_*, __meta_kubernetes_endpoints_labelpresent_*, __meta_kubernetes_endpoints_annotation_* and __meta_kubernetes_endpoints_annotationpresent_* labels for role: endpoints in Kubernetes service discovery. These labels where added in Prometheus 2.25.

  • FEATURE: reduce the minimum supported retention period for inverted index (aka indexdb) from one month to one day. This should reduce disk space usage for <-storageDataPath>/indexdb folder if -retentionPeriod is set to values smaller than one month.

  • FEATURE: vmselect: export per-tenant metrics vm_vmselect_http_requests_total and vm_vmselect_http_requests_duration_ms_total . Other per-tenant metrics are available as a part of enterprise package. See for details.

  • BUGFIX: properly convert regexp tag filters containing escaped dots to non-regexp tag filters. For example, {foo=~"bar\.baz"} should be converted to {foo="bar.baz"}. Previously it was incorrectly converted to {foo="bar\.baz"}, which could result in missing time series for this tag filter.

  • BUGFIX: do not spam error logs when discovering Docker Swarm targets without dedicated IP. See .

  • BUGFIX: properly embed timezone data into VictoriaMetrics apps. This should fix -loggerTimezone usage inside Docker containers.

  • BUGFIX: properly build Docker images for non-amd64 architectures (arm, arm64, ppc64le, 386) on Docker hub. Previously these images were incorrectly based on amd64 base image, so they didn't work.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: return back unsent block to the queue during graceful shutdown. Previously this block could be dropped if remote storage is unavailable during vmagent shutdown. See .


  • BUGFIX: vmselect: fix the bug peventing from proper searching by Graphite filter with wildcards such as {__graphite__="foo.*.bar"}.


  • FEATURE: added vmctl tool to VictoriaMetrics release process. Now it is packaged in vmutils-*.tar.gz archive on the releases page. Source code for vmctl tool has been moved from to

  • FEATURE: added -loggerTimezone command-line flag for adjusting time zone for timestamps in log messages. By default UTC is used.

  • FEATURE: added -search.maxStepForPointsAdjustment command-line flag, which can be used for disabling adjustment for points returned by /api/v1/query_range handler if such points have timestamps closer than -search.latencyOffset to the current time. Such points may contain incomplete data, so they are substituted by the previous values for step query args smaller than one minute by default.

  • FEATURE: vmselect: added ability to use Graphite-compatible filters in MetricsQL via {__graphite__="foo.*.bar"} syntax. This expression is equivalent to {__name__=~"foo[.][^.]*[.]bar"}, but it works faster and it is easier to use when migrating from Graphite to VictoriaMetrics. This feature deprecates the usage of -search.treatDotsAsIsInRegexps command-line flag.

  • FEATURE: vmselect: added ability to set additional label filters, which must be applied during queries. Such label filters can be set via optional extra_label query arg, which is accepted by querying API handlers. For example, the request to /api/v1/query_range?extra_label=tenant_id=123&query=<query> adds {tenant_id="123"} label filter to the given <query>. It is expected that the extra_label query arg is automatically set by auth proxy sitting in front of VictoriaMetrics. Contact us if you need assistance with such a proxy. See .

  • FEATURE: vmalert: added -datasource.queryStep command-line flag for passing optional step query arg to /api/v1/query endpoint. See

  • FEATURE: vmalert: added ability to query Graphite datasource when evaluating alerting and recording rules. See these docs for details.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: added -remoteWrite.roundDigits command-line option for rounding metric values to the given number of decimal digits after the point before sending the metric to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. This option can be used for improving data compression on the remote storage, because values with lower number of decimal digits can be compressed better than values with bigger number of decimal digits.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: added -remoteWrite.rateLimit command-line flag for limiting data transfer rate to -remoteWrite.url. This may be useful when big amounts of buffered data is sent after temporarily unavailability of the remote storage. See

  • FEATURE: vmagent: export the following additional metrics, which may be useful during troubleshooting:

    • vm_promscrape_scrapes_failed_per_url_total
    • vm_promscrape_scrapes_skipped_by_sample_limit_per_url_total
    • vm_promscrape_discovery_requests_total
    • vm_promscrape_discovery_retries_total
    • vm_promscrape_scrape_retries_total
    • vm_promscrape_service_discovery_duration_seconds
  • FEATURE: vmselect: initial implementation for Graphite Render API.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: reduce HTTP reconnection rate for scrape targets. Previously vmagent could errorneusly close HTTP keep-alive connections more frequently than needed.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: retry scrape and service discovery requests when the remote server closes HTTP keep-alive connection. Previously disable_keepalive: true option could be used under scrape_configs section when working with such servers.





  • FEATURE: vmagent: export vmagent_remotewrite_blocks_sent_total and vmagent_remotewrite_blocks_sent_total metrics for each -remoteWrite.url.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly delete unregistered scrape targets from /targets and /api/v1/targets pages. They weren't deleted due to the bug in v1.50.0.


  • FEATURE: automatically reset response cache when samples with timestamps older than now - search.cacheTimestampOffset are ingested to VictoriaMetrics. This makes unnecessary disabling response cache during data backfilling or resetting it after backfilling is complete as described in these docs. This feature applies only to single-node VictoriaMetrics. It doesn't apply to cluster version of VictoriaMetrics because vminsert nodes don't know about vmselect nodes where the response cache must be reset.

  • FEATURE: vmalert: add query, first and value functions to alert templates. See

  • FEATURE: vmagent: return user-friendly HTML page when requesting /targets page from web browser. The page is returned in the old plaintext format when requesting via curl or similar tool.

  • FEATURE: allow multiple whitespace chars between measurements, fields and timestamp when parsing InfluxDB line protocol. Though InfluxDB line protocol denies multiple whitespace chars between these entities, some apps improperly put multiple whitespace chars. This workaround allows accepting data from such apps.

  • FEATURE: export vm_promscrape_active_scrapers{type="<sd_type>"} metric for tracking the number of active scrapers per each service discovery type.

  • FEATURE: export vm_promscrape_scrapers_started_total{type="<sd_type>"} and vm_promscrape_scrapers_stopped_total{type="<sd_type>"} metrics for tracking churn rate for scrapers per each service discovery type.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: allow setting per--remoteWrite.url command-line flags for -remoteWrite.sendTimeout and -remoteWrite.tlsInsecureSkipVerify.

  • BUGFIX: properly handle * and [...] inside curly braces in query passed to Graphite Metrics API. See

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: fix memory leak when big number of targets is discovered via service discovery.

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly pass datacenter filter to Consul API server. See

  • BUGFIX: properly handle CPU limits set on the host system or host container. The bugfix may result in lower memory usage on systems with CPU limits. See

  • BUGFIX: prevent from duplicate name tag returned from /tags/autoComplete/tags handler. See

  • BUGFIX: do not enable strict parsing for -promscrape.config if -promscrape.config.dryRun comand-line flag is set. Strict parsing can be enabled with -promscrape.config.strictParse command-line flag. See

  • BUGFIX: vminsert: properly update vm_rpc_rerouted_rows_processed_total metric. Previously it wasn't updated. See

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly recover when opening incorrectly stored persistent queue. See

  • BUGFIX: vmagent: properly handle scrape errors when stream parsing is enabled with -promscrape.streamParse command-line flag or with stream_parse: true per-target config option. Previously such errors weren't reported at /targets page. See

  • BUGFIX: assume the previous value is 0 when calculating increase() for the first point on the graph if its value doesn't exceed 100 and the delta between two first points equals to 0. See


  • FEATURE: optimize Consul service discovery speed when discovering big number of services. See

  • FEATURE: add label_uppercase(q, label1, ... labelN) and label_lowercase(q, label1, ... labelN) function to MetricsQL for uppercasing and lowercasing values for the given labels. See

  • FEATURE: add count_eq_over_time(m[d], N) and count_ne_over_time(m[d], N) for counting the number of samples for m over d that (equal / not equal) to N.

  • FEATURE: do not print usage info for all the command-line flags when incorrect command-line flag is passed. Previously it could be hard reading the error message about incorrect command-line flag because of too big usage info for all the flags.

  • FEATURE: upgrade Go builder from v1.15.5 to v1.15.6 . This fixes issues found in Go since v1.15.5.

  • BUGFIX: properly parse timestamps in OpenMetrics format - they are exposed as floating-point number in seconds instead of integer milliseconds unlike in Prometheus exposition format. See the docs.

  • BUGFIX: return nan for a >bool b query when a equals to nan like Prometheus does. Previously 0 was returned in this case. This applies to any comparison operation with bool modifier. See these docs for details.

  • BUGFIX: properly parse hex numbers in MetricsQL. Previously hex numbers with non-decimal digits such as 0x3b couldn't be parsed.

  • BUGFIX: handle time() cmp_op metric like Prometheus does - i.e. return metric value if cmp_op comparison is true. Previously time() value was returned.

  • BUGFIX: return nan for minute(m) query when m equals to nan like Prometheus does. This applies to all the time-related functions such as day_of_month, day_of_week, days_in_month, hour, month and year.






  • FEATURE: automatically add missing label filters to binary operands as described at . This should improve performance for queries with missing label filters in binary operands. For example, the following query should work faster now, because it shouldn't fetch and discard time series for node_filesystem_files_free metric without matching labels for the left side of the expression:

       node_filesystem_files{ host="$host", mountpoint="/" } - node_filesystem_files_free
  • FEATURE: vmagent: add Docker Swarm service discovery (aka dockerswarm_sd_config). See

  • FEATURE: add ability to export data in CSV format. See these docs for details.

  • FEATURE: vmagent: add -promscrape.suppressDuplicateScrapeTargetErrors command-line flag for suppressing duplicate scrape target errors. See and .

  • FEATURE: vmagent: show original labels before relabeling is applied on duplicate scrape target errors. This should simplify debugging for incorrect relabeling. See

  • FEATURE: vmagent: /targets page now accepts optional show_original_labels=1 query arg for displaying original labels for each target before relabeling is applied. This should simplify debugging for target relabeling configs. See

  • FEATURE: add -finalMergeDelay command-line flag for configuring the delay before final merge for per-month partitions. The final merge is started after no new data is ingested into per-month partition during -finalMergeDelay.

  • FEATURE: add vm_rows_added_to_storage_total metric, which shows the total number of rows added to storage since app start. The sum(rate(vm_rows_added_to_storage_total)) can be smaller than sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total)) if certain metrics are dropped due to relabeling. The sum(rate(vm_rows_added_to_storage_total)) can be bigger than sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total)) if replication is enabled.

  • FEATURE: keep metric name after applying MetricsQL functions, which don't change time series meaning. The list of such functions:

    • keep_last_value
    • keep_next_value
    • interpolate
    • running_min
    • running_max
    • running_avg
    • range_min
    • range_max
    • range_avg
    • range_first
    • range_last
    • range_quantile
    • smooth_exponential
    • ceil
    • floor
    • round
    • clamp_min
    • clamp_max
    • max_over_time
    • min_over_time
    • avg_over_time
    • quantile_over_time
    • mode_over_time
    • geomean_over_time
    • holt_winters
    • predict_linear See
  • BUGFIX: properly handle stale time series after K8S deployment. Previously such time series could be double-counted. See

  • BUGFIX: return a single time series at max from absent() function like Prometheus does.

  • BUGFIX: vmalert: accept days, weeks and years in for: part of config like Prometheus does. See

  • BUGFIX: fix mode_over_time(m[d]) calculations. Previously the function could return incorrect results.



Previous releases

See releases page.